OIST and Partisia enter into a partnership to advance research and the development of Multi-Party Computation and Privacy Enhancing Technologies

OIST and Partisia enter into a partnership to advance research and the development of Multi-Party Computation and Privacy Enhancing Technologies

By Sofie Krabbe,

Confidential Computing, partnership, MPC, Multi-Party Computations, R&D, Press Release

Bridging the gap between research-driven cryptography and privacy through secure computations.

When it comes to collecting, using and storing data, privacy and security have never been more critical than they are today. Terms like quantum-safe and cybersecurity are increasingly common, but many people don’t often consider what truly drives the mechanisms that keep our data safe and protected.

While data privacy is a critical concern, the escalating threat of data breaches and cyberattacks presents an even greater challenge.

How can we ensure that the data we protect today remains secure tomorrow? How do we guard sensitive information from hackers - whether that data is at rest, in transit, or actively in use? 

And how do we address the new risks posed by emerging technologies, such as quantum computing, which introduces the troubling concept of “harvest now, decrypt later (read more about this here)”?

We invite you into the world of Multi-Party Computation (MPC), a cutting-edge cryptographic technique.

MPC works by breaking encrypted data into multiple pieces, which are distributed across different nodes. This fragmentation makes it technically impossible for attackers to access meaningful information. Even in the unlikely event that a breach occurs, only a small portion of the data would be exposed - making it completely useless to the attacker.

Recognizing the growing need for advanced data security solutions, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) and Partisia - two innovative leaders in the fields of Multi-Party Computation and advanced cryptography - have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). And thereby entering into a partnership that aims to strengthen their collaborative research efforts.

By joining forces, we believe we can accelerate the research, development and adoption of advanced privacy and cybersecurity technologies in Denmark, Japan, and internationally, contributing to a more secure digital future.
Prof. Claudio Orlandi Chief Cryptographic Protocol Designer at Partisia

The primary goal of this collaboration is to push the boundaries of Multi-Party Computation (MPC) research, with a focus on developing groundbreaking Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs). 

By combining their expertise, OIST and Partisia seek to offer a global perspective on secure computation, quantum-resistant cryptography, and cybersecurity, helping to safeguard sensitive information in an increasingly connected world.

Combining great minds from across the globe to empower organizations worldwide

As previously mentioned, Privacy and procession of data are becoming an increasingly urgent global priority, and Japan is no exception. The country’s data protection law, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI), aligns closely with the stringent standards set by the European Union's GDPR, placing privacy at the forefront of regulatory focus.

Privacy enhancing technologies, multi-party computation and quantum cryptography are thriving and very active areas in cryptographic research and practice, and a common interest. I can envisage a number of research projects on which we can work together towards innovative solutions for secure data sharing and computation, in the classical and quantum worlds
Prof. Carlos Cid Leader of the Applied Cryptography Unit at OIST

This shared commitment to data protection is just one of many values that unites the two entities. It's clear that both OIST and Partisia share a common vision not only for the future of this partnership, but for the general future as well; including the key challenges to tackle and the opportunities to pursue. 

Below are the areas where OIST and Partisia plan to collaborate:

  • Develop joint research projects in cryptography, secure computation, and cyber security. 

  • Facilitate research exchange visits and internships of Partisia’s research staff to OIST and OIST’s researchers to Partisia. 

  • Joint development of training material and dissemination of knowledge on topics of mutual interest.

  • Collaborate on applications for research funding in Japan, EU, or elsewhere.

  • Work together to identify innovation opportunities for Partisia and OIST in Japan.

Working closely on these areas of collaboration we will achieve an even greater knowledge on how the technology of Multi-Party Computation will pave the way for enhancing privacy and securing data. 

We hope that this collaboration will empower organizations, businesses, and individuals worldwide to strengthen data privacy, enhance cybersecurity, address the risks posed by quantum computing, and ultimately advance the future of secure computation
Mark Medum Bundgaard Chief Product Officer
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About OIST:

OIST was founded in 2011 on the initiative of the Japanese government to contribute to global science and technology, attracting leading researchers from Japan and abroad to establish a world-class research hub and innovative knowledge cluster. As a pioneering graduate university, its mission is to conduct high-class research that bridges disciplines to explore new frontiers of scientific knowledge, educate a new generation of scientific leaders, and catalyze industrial innovation in Okinawa.


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About Partisia: 

Partisia is a global pioneer in Multiparty Computation (MPC) and privacy-preserving computations. Partisia has sold commercial-grade MPC software solutions since 2008 with an initial focus on secure high-stake auctions used for trading energy and spectrum licenses. Today Partisia’s MPC solutions are sold as infrastructure across a variety of services from key management, data activation, statistics, voting, e-cash etc. The commercial activities include spinouts like Sepior that was recently acquired by Blockdaemon, and Partisia Blockchain Foundation, a Swiss foundation that organizes and launches a public blockchain built by Partisia.

Partisia is a privately owned company registered in Denmark. The ownership combines internationally renowned experts in advanced cryptography, software and business development.

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Line Stephansen

Line Stephansen

Senior Business Developer
