
Discover seamless solutions with Partisia Platform

Our state-of-the-art infrastructure ensures secure, scalable, and efficient digital transformation tailored to your business needs. Experience unparalleled data privacy and robust performance with Partisia, the future of decentralised solutions.

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Finance and banking

Advanced Fraud Detection with Partisia Platform

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Enhance your security with Partisia Platform's cutting-edge fraud detection solutions. Our innovative technology leverages advanced algorithms and blockchain security to identify and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time. Trust Partisia to safeguard your business with unparalleled accuracy and reliability in fraud prevention.

Decentralised Identitiy

Empower Your Digital Identity with Partisia Platform

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Revolutionize identity management and My Data Activation with Partisia Platform's decentralized identity solutions. Our secure and private infrastructure ensures that your digital identity is protected, verifiable, and under your control. Experience the future of identity with Partisia, where privacy meets innovation.

Cyber Security

Enhance Digital Security: Benefits of Using Partisia Platform

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In today's rapidly evolving digital world, businesses across all sectors are embracing digital transformation. This shift not only streamlines operations and enhances efficiency, but it also exposes companies to a new and growing threat: cyber attacks.

Solutions from the Partisia Platform

More to come

Partisia Platform

Ensure security, scalability, and efficiency

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Key Management

Partisia Key Management solution protects encryption keys, certificates and secrets for your whole infrastructure.

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My Data Activation

My Data Activation is a GDPR-compliant solution designed to consent use of private data using the Partisia Platform.

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Confidential Computing

Imagine being able to do computations on all data in the world, while still protecting the privacy of the information.

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Our WEB3 solution powers both private, public and hybrid blockchain solutions around the world.

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ADC Consulting and Partisia are entering a strategic partnership

By Sofie Krabbe, 28 June 2024

ADC Consulting and Partisia are entering a strategic partnership

In a world where technology and digital transformation are evolving at an unprecedented pace, nearly every aspect of life - whether you’re looking as a business or as a private person - is touched by this rapid advancement. At both ADC Data & AI Consulting and Partisia, we believe that the future lies in utilising the power of data.

Transforming healthcare data management across the European Union

28 June 2024

Transforming healthcare data management across the European Union

Without the feeling of control and trust, people usually have second thoughts when it comes to allowing organisations, companies and even individuals access to their health data. Lack of transparency and overview of how and where your data is used also adds to insecurities. This is particularly true in a landscape where misuse or unauthorised access to personal health information could lead to significant privacy breaches and the destruction of trust and public opinion regarding general health services.

Zero-Knowledge proofs - Prove anything without revealing everything

By Sofie Krabbe, 20 June 2024

Zero-Knowledge proofs - Prove anything without revealing everything

Imagine being able to convince someone you are right without having to explain why. What if you had a special tool that could magically win arguments for you, as long as you were right and knew the reason, without revealing anything other than the fact that you were right? That would be a pretty powerful tool, wouldn't it?